
Showing posts from December, 2019

would fit me with being such

You implying that the left is normal and the right is an outlier, because of other countries descended from monarchies and attempts at socialism. Not to mention, in pretty much all of those places you are a subject, not a citizen.Also, international includes Japan, South Korea, Colombia, Singapore, Australia, Poland, even Austria have varying levels of right leaning dominance.The US is a different experiment from most countries though, what the point of the comparison? What are you trying to say by making it? Why is the context important?I not really trying to imply anything or undermine conservative/libertarian argument. I am recognizing reality, the American Left is well within the mainstream, and the center of the political economic spectrum internationally.Again, I am not saying the left is inherently more correct, because their views are fairly middle of the road internationally, and that conservative views which are far to the right of international norms in the developed world a